Jewels Muller is the founder of Chicks Connect which is a Global Membership for woman where they connect, get into action, and hold one another accountable for professional and personal growth and development all built on a foundation of love, fun, friendship, service and support.

Transcript of this Interview:


Jack:  So today I’m interviewing Jewels Muller and she is the chief chick at Chick’s Connect and she is all about empowering women to be strong entrepreneurs. Welcome to the show.

Jewels:  Thank you so much Jack. It’s exciting to be here.

Jack:  So, I want to get in all is about Chick’s Connect and everything because I think it’s really positive for women and I love entrepreneurialism and I think what you’re doing is great. But what I really like to start with is kind of at the beginning like what got you into even your first experience at being an entrepreneur?

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